Designing a Course for Stimulating Entrepreneurship in Higher Education through Serious Games
An interesting paper authored by F. Bellotti, R. Berta, A. DeGloria, E. Lavagnino, F. Dagnino, M. Ott, M. Romero, M. Usart and I.S. Mayer. The article negotiates the field of serious games designed to stimulate entrepreneurship in higher education.
The basic proposition of the paper is that enhancing the offer for entrepreneurship education is an important challenge for today’s knowledge societies. The eSG project is addressing this issue by analyzing the added value that could be contributed by employing serious games (SGs) as a tool for allowing students – in particular technology students - to become familiar, mainly through practice, with basic concepts of entrepreneurship and company management. This paper presents the main requirements for the course and SGs obtained by surveying literature, entrepreneurs, students and teachers. We represented the requirements in a table template keeping into account usability, pedagogy, the entrepreneurship skills expressed by state of the art models and three major axes for entrepreneurship education at universities. These table descriptors were then used to assess validity of SGs and choose an appropriate mix for the courses. We have also defined a set of metrics to evaluate the advancement of students during the course. Based on these tools and knowledge, the next steps of the project will involve extensive user testing in the actual courses that are being performed in Genoa, Delft and Barcelona.
The whole article can be viewed and downloaded here: