InEcVet: Innovation Ecosystems for VET
“InEcVET: Innovation Ecosystems for VET” is a two-year project starting from the 1st of November 2015 until the 31st of October 2017. This project was financed by European Union’s Erasmus+ Program (Key Action 3: Support for policy reform - Forward Looking Cooperation Projects, ref. no.: 562126-EPP-1-2015-1-IE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD). The partners of the project came from 10 different institutions from 5 EU countries (Cyprus, Ireland, Romania, Portugal, and Finland).
The aims and objectives of the project were directly linked to the challenges that the European Union seeks to address as part of the Europe 2020 strategy. The overall aim was to simultaneously improve the contribution of VET to innovation in Member States while increasing the incidence of innovation in VET. The objective of the project was to define and pilot an innovation ecosystem for VET based on an agreed set of common elements and principles that could be applied as a framework for innovation in Member States. The function of this ecosystem was to support the identification, testing, development and assessment of new innovative approaches in the VET sphere which have mainstreaming potential. Sustaining an innovation economy means evolving, adapting, re-imagining and reinventing to create and utilise new ideas and information into both existing and new educational products and services.
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