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CARDET’s Multiplier event at Microsoft Innovation Center

EntrInnO featured at the first Cyprus Games Exhibition that took place on April 17th 2016 at the Microsoft Innovation Center. The exhibition was a full-day event, with game demonstrations, a gaming competition, as well as a session with presentations. In total, there were about 500 visitors throughout the whole event, mainly general audience, people interested in gaming, policy makers, students, stakeholders, even families.

EntrInnO was presented at the particular session; the aim and objectives were described, along with the game’s concept, designs and impact. Discussion about the value of the game for developing entrepreneurial skills followed, with multiple stakeholders and policy-makers acknowledging the potential of the EntrInnO project. Throughout the event participants could get information for the game, at the EntrInnO station. Flyers were distributed and the game’s concept was described and discussed with people with various interests and expertise, such as game developers, gamers, business people, and students.

Overall, we have received very positive comments about the game and the overall work. People have also expressed interest in testing the game, once it is ready, and before it is officially released to the public. CARDET, as the lead partner if the project, is proud of the progress so far. We are looking forward to sharing the game within the next months.


Tags: Project news